Reduxtraveler Store
React, Redux, Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB
- Fully functional E-commerce store includes shopping cart, processing credit/debit card payments, user login and registration, and search functionality.
- Backend full Rest API and CRUD functionality using Node.js and Express.js; Non-relational database created with MongoDB, MongoDB Atlas, MongoDB Compass and Mongoose; Deployment using Heroku
- Administration functionality to review and manage orders, products, payments and users.
- Authentication and authorization using JWT; Password encription using Bcrypt.js
- Built using React for frontend functionality State Management created using Redux
- Formating and layout using React Bootstrap and React Router
I created an e-commerce solution that leveraged the performance and efficiency of the MERN stack. Using React allows a faster build process by being able to reuse components. Redux allows easier state management and less code that is easier to maintain and troubleshoot. Using Express.js and Node.js alows efficient and seamless communication between the front and backend and MongoDB provides a seamless and persistent storage solution.
Technologies used- MERN stack: MongoDB, Express.js, React, Node.js, Redux, Thunk, React Bootstrap, React Router, JWT, bcrypt.js, Heroku , Git, GitHub .
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